Dr Jane Mullaney

Microbiome Based Health

About Dr Jane Mullaney

About Dr Jane Mullaney

Dr Jane Mullaney is a research scientist based in Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Jane has a PhD in Microbiology/Nutrition from Massey University in Palmerston North and is an associate research investigator for the Riddet Institute, Massey University, for the Higher Higher Value Nutrition National Science Challenge - ‘Infant Health’ and ‘Healthy Digestion’ programmes.

Since 2013 she has worked as a Research Scientist in food-based nutrition and interventions, type 1 diabetes, anticancer compounds found in brassica and the microbiome in health and disease. Jane was the recipient of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2014-2017 and held this while at the University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Brisbane, Australia.

Facts About us

600Cups of Coffee
4Awards & Honors

What We Do

As Science Translators we Turn complex science and research into simplified effective strategy for non-experts broken down into simplified ideas and steps. Providing ideas and evidence-based human nutrition solutions for government, the health sector, and the food industry

Tissue Culturing

Training can be organised for banana tissue culturing. We plan to extend this to other types of plants in future. Contact us for details. Note

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Systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses ‘Proof of concept’ study design and/or market research to support the commercialisation of nutrition products and food industry innovations Design

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Rongoa and bioactives

“I have to say Jane, I totally dig your vibe, energy, and more importantly you straightforwardness. Love it” Rongoa is the use of our indigenous

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Banana Industry

The experts believe a commercial banana industry is “absolutely” viable here. The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has provided more than $93,000 to

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Agriculture underpins the New Zealand economy. We have begun to explore diversification of our land, to be more resilient, to make smarter, more sustainable use of our resources.

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Contract and funding-based research solutions that traverse the four themes (hauora/health; mātauranga/knowledge; indigenous innovation; taiao/environment) of the government’s Vision Mātauranga policy.

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Food Industry

Translation of scientific nutrition evidence for practical application in government, healthcare, and the food industry Understanding of nutrition and the microbiome using lab in-vitro digestion

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Collaboration comes from developing trust relationships with partners, colleagues, friends and whanau. We work towards building and strengthening our relationships for the benefit of all.

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Here to help you translate technical science gargon into simple practical outcomes you can easily follow and understand.


Collaboration Partners

  • Agresearch
  • Agribusiness New Zealand
  • Plant & Food Research
  • Riddet Institute
  • High Value Nutrition
  • Vision Matauranga
Kevin Brockhurst
Director, Tissue Culture Facility

Jane taught me tissue culturing of bananas.

Geoffrey Mansell
CEO Kotare Subtropicals

Jane is a good friend and collaborator 

Contact Us

Interested in working with us? Please provide a brief description of your business enquiry and we’ll be back in touch as soon as possible.
