Rongoa and bioactives

“I have to say Jane, I totally dig your vibe, energy, and more importantly you straightforwardness. Love it”

Rongoa is the use of our indigenous living plants, fungi, microbes for health benefits. All are rongoa and valued. The native Puha is endangered now and yet it is more potent than the European Puha brought back by Maori after WW2.

Raupo used to exist like flax, everywhere every swamp and now is banished to pockets here and there yet this also is nutritious with both the roots and seeding head edible. The leaves were used for making rope and wrapping poi.

Kumarahau is a well known rongoa plant with a bitter taste and effective against many ails.

Kanuka contains essential oils and turpines that inhibit microbes and intestinal parasites plus is beneficial when consumed.

Kawakawa is a well known rongoa and beneficial when consumed as tea or fresh leaves. The more insect predation there is, the more potent the bioactives are.

I work with director John Te Amo and partner Robbie Richardson of Marcorja Group Ltd, rongoa practictioners and producers of personalised beverages crafted with matauranga Maori which are intended to be comsumed to improve health. I have worked alongside Marcorja Group to help them access scientists to help them along their journey as Ronga practitioners producing a commercial product.

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